Gut Health

Title Image Price: $50

100% of the proceeds from this Lecture on Demand go toward the Trinity Scholarship Fund.

Description:  Hippocrates is considered the first physician to recognize that all illnesses have a natural cause. He has been credited with several powerful quotes about health and wellness, but "All diseases begin in the gut" is one of the most accurate and relevant proclamations for the natural health field. Today we recognize the gut-brain connection, the digestive tract's role in immune function, and how digestion controls everything from inflammation to vitamin production. In this lecture, you'll learn how to recognize GI issues and holistically support the body to improve gut function.

Running Time: 1:28:53 eligible for 1.5 CEUs

Author Biography:  Dr. Jason Ameling graduated from Logan University in Chesterfield, Missouri as a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology. He has been a practicing Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, and Acupuncturist since 2008. Dr. Ameling is not only skilled in Chiropractic adjusting but also total mind, body, and spirit balancing. In practice he focuses on heart health, functional blood chemistry, pH balancing, and reduction of inflammatory processes. In 2017, Dr. Ameling became a Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy which further expanded his knowledge of assessment and care protocols. Dr. Ameling began teaching in 2011 for both public and private colleges and universities. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with students and patients alike. He regularly speaks at health conventions as well as public education classes. Dr. Ameling is the proud father of two amazing boys. He loves spending time with them, his wife, and friends.

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