Clinical Homeopathy 101

Title Image Price: $50

Description:  Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom. dedicates his life to bring the power to heal back where it belongs, with you! After helping those in need for over 25 years with homeopathy, he decided it was time to introduce the Clinical homeopathic approach to a wider audience. In this one-hour introductory lecture to Clinical Homeopathy, you will learn:
  • Homeopathic basics
  • Classical methodology overview
  • Materia medica & repertory instructional use
  • Acute remedies
  • Brief overview of Constitutional remedies
  • Introduction to the Typologies of Dr. Henri Bernard
  • Hahnemann's evolution toward clinical homeopathy
  • Drainage - the Clinical Advancements of Dr. Leon Vannier
  • The Law of the Terrain
  • Getting started with the 3 step method: Elimination, Assimilation, Inflammation
  • Other remedies in homeopathy such as nosodes and sarcodes

Running Time: 54:29
Eligible for 1 hour of ANWPB CEUs.

Author Biography:  In broadcast media since 1999, Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom. (American Academy of Clinical Homeopathy 1994) served on the board of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (1999-2001), currently serving on the Board for Trinity School of Natural Health, and continues to provide direct support to those in need and works with physicians on their toughest cases. He personally overcame numerous chronic diseases over 28 years ago via homeopathy, herbal medicine, organic whole foods, minerals, essential fats, and the transformational power of belief in the Holy Spirit. Robert has spent the past decade delving into the antimicrobial, immune-supporting, and regenerative properties of silver. As a Homeopath, he has dedicated his life to revealing the healing power within us all. Robert is the father of 2 vaccine-free children, Elijah (20) and Ariana (15), with his wife Nancy. RSB co-authored Unlock the Power To Heal with Ty Bollinger. His radio program, The Robert Scott Bell Show broadcasts LIVE from 3-5 PM Eastern M-F and Sundays 1-3 PM Eastern on syndicator Genesis Communications Network (GCN), with rebroadcasts via UK Health Radio, along with iTunes, Stitcher, tunein, SoundCloud and YouTube.

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  • Once purchased, the lecture video is viewed by logging into the Trinity School Student website and selecting the "Purchased Videos" menu option.
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